Lenox Instrument Company Borescopes for Internal Visual Inspection
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Lenox Instrument Company has been serving our client for over 90 years
Lenox Borescope Products

Extendable Borescopes

Lenox Instruments at Work

Some years ago when archaeologists discovered the tomb of an ancient Egyptian ruler, they wanted detailed, close-up photographs of the contents. The archaeology team did not want to disturb the site by opening it up to admit photographers. The problem was solved with a Lenox Extendable Borescope, which was inserted through a hole in the tomb's wall. The photographs taken through the borescope were so clear and revealing, they were published by a leading national magazine.

This is only one of the many different problems that Lenox borescopes have solved over the years. The first Lenox borescope, constructed in 1920, was developed to fill a manufacturer's need for internal visual inspection of the generator, rotor shafts, and forgings of a steam turbine.

During World War II, Lenox borescopes came into common use as the principal means of inspecting gun barrels and artillery pieces. Borescope usage was expanded by the military during the war to examine formerly inaccessible areas of ships and aircraft. The first nuclear application arose at the same time, when Lenox played a part in the secret Manhattan Project.

Not only has Lenox supplied borescopes to the military from World War II, it has also simplified maintenance and quality control for numerous industries. Today Lenox Extendable Borescopes are used to inspect tubing, vessels & chambers, aircraft landing gear, radioactive equipment, power generation equipment, process lines, vats, rocket casings, foundations of dams & structures, helicopters, tank cars, and so much more. Because of these instruments, complex assemblies at last may be visually inspected without costly and time consuming tear downs.

Selection Guide
To decide which borescope model to order, review the chart below, and select the scope tube diameter
required for your particular application. Once you have decided on the diameter, simply read across the chart to determine the basic working length of the instrument, the extenders length, and the model number to be specified. The only additional information required is your viewing head selection.

To obtain a price quotation, call Lenox at 800-356-1104 or 215-322-9990, or e-mail us at sales@lenoxinst.com. Please let us know the model number you have selected, the number of extenders, and which viewing heads you require. You may also mail your request to:
Lenox Instrument Company, Inc.
265 Andrews Road
Trevose, PA 19053

Scope Tube
Basic Working Length
Extender Sections Available Maximum
Model Number
35 inches 35 inches 31 inches 10.8 feet 8F012E
15/16" (23.8mm) 28 inches 3 feet 44 Feet 8094-K101
1 3/8" (34.9mm) 53 inches 5 feet 59 Feet 8138K-101


Other Lenox Products and Accessories
Whether you require a standard product or one custom designed to meet a specific requirement, Lenox can supply the precise instrument for your R.V.I., Remote Visual Inspection

point Videoscope
Rigid Borescope
Flexible Borescope
Modular Borescope
point Nuclear Borescope or Periscope
point UV Borescope
point Special Application Borescope
point High Temperature CCTV System
point Furnace Camera
point Boiler Camera
point Industrial Endoscope
point Micro Borescope
point Pipe Inspection System
point Furnace CCTV systems

The capabilities of these instruments can be expanded even further with the use of Lenox accessories including; video adaptation, photographic attachments (film or digital), digital recording, centering devices for tube and pipe inspection, special lenses, and various types of illumination, including ultraviolet.

Lenox Extendable Borescope
Although it somewhat resembles a telescope in appearance, there are some striking differences. A telescope, used for peering into outer space, is a collector of existing light, focused on a specific point. A borescope, used for visual inspection of inner spaces, provides its own illumination and spreads the
field of view.
These long tubular instruments consist of the eyepiece section; this is where the instrument is focused. The objective section, where the objective lens forms an image of the area under inspection, and the interchangeable viewing head section, which provides the illumination and determines the direction and field of view. Extender sections, added between the eyepiece and the objective sections, can permit the borescope to bring an image of an object, up to 100 feet away,
in for a close-up inspection.

In summary: The objective lens forms the image, and is transmitted through the tube by achromatic relay lenses to the eyepiece section where it is magnified and the focus adjusted. Each Lenox Extendable Borescope is free of any mechanical and/or optical defects, and it is guaranteed to perform the inspection for which it was designed. It is shipped with an eyepiece section, objective section, the selective viewing head, 120 volt - 60 Hz variable power supply, a complete instruction manual, plus the optional extender sections that you purchase. This is all packaged in a fitted protective case. Power supplies for 220 volts are available.

Lenox can also provide special magnifications, remotely controlled scanning, or view arrangements permitting both visual observation with the ability to snap digital photos, or viewing and/or recording via a CCTV hook-up. Special housings are available for severe environments. Tubes can be designed with angular bends and special deflections or offsets. Optical systems are available for ultra violet inspections, resistance to nuclear radiation or for topographic inspection to measure depths or size of defects. Viewing heads can be engineered to meet virtually every type of observation requirement.

Many considerations are involved in borescope design, such as magnification, water sealing, condensation, temperature extremes, field of view, light transmission, nuclear radiation, angular bends, deflections of the tube, explosion proofing, and correction of aberrations. It is in these considerations that the experience Lenox has acquired through the years, in designing thousands of systems, is best demonstrated.

Mechanical Design
Lenox borescopes are designed to permit complete disassembly for cleaning or modification to satisfy future applications. Scopes under one inch diameter are constructed from hard-drawn stainless steel tubing, while larger diameter borescopes utilize aluminum tubing. Their sturdy construction enables them to withstand the use, and abuse, to which they are subjected in the typical industrial setting. Although these borescopes may be used in laboratory work, they have been designed and constructed
for rugged industrial applications.
Electrical System
Instruments are internally wired to conduct current to the lamps in the heads. Special attention is given to the type of insulation used. Lamps are of the highest quality available, and offer a long operating life. In most cases these lamps are commercially available. Although these borescopes usually operate from a variable power supply, battery units can be supplied for remote operations.

(A) The Eyepiece Section
The eyepiece section includes the eyepiece, electrical connection, eyepiece optical system, and handwheel.

The eyepiece is interchangeable, and has an adjustable focus. The electrical connection revolves, permitting the cable to swing freely without tangling as the instrument is rotated to view from a different angle. In order to rotate or otherwise direct the borescope, the operator simply uses the hand wheel as a steering wheel.

(B) The Objective Section
This section contains the objective lens, and the built-in achromatic relay lens. The objective lens matches the required field of view, which spreads the image so that a large area may be seen at one focus setting.

(C) The Viewing Head Section
The viewing heads are all interchangeable, and each provides its own direction of view, as discussed further on. The head contains the lamp which illuminates the object being inspected with adjustable high intensity light. A mirror or prism assembly is included in all heads, with the exception of the bottoming head, to provide the desired direction of view.

The Extender Sections
Extenders are threaded tubes containing achromatic relay lenses. These sections extend the working length of the borescope. Working length is the basic reach of the instrument between the hand wheel and the objective lens in the objective section. The basic working length of the sectional scope does not include extenders. Each extender section increases the actual working length by its own length until the maximum length is achieved Extenders are available in 3 of 5 foot sections, depending on the model selected.

Viewing Head Options
Many types of mirror and prism arrangements are available to direct the "cone of view" as required. Most needs, however, can be met by using one or more of the standard interchangeable viewing heads depicted and depicted and described below. Each viewing head provides maximum illumination under normal conditions where at least medium contrast exists between the object to be inspected and its surrounding background. If required, even brighter illumination can be provided.

Right Angle
This is the most frequently used viewing angle. The viewing head bends the "cone of view" at right angles to the borescope axis, providing a lateral view. It is generally used for the more critical inspections or to cover certain areas.

Circumference (Panoramic)
This head is designed for rapid inspection of tubing or other cylindrical shaped structures. It projects forward to view the wall at a slanting incidence so a 360 degree band, several nches wide is seen at a glance. A centrally located mirror provides a right angle view for a critical study of the area just scanned by the panoramic view.

Provides a "cone of view" directly forward and has uniform circumference illumination permitting careful examination of facing walls or bottom of blind holes or cavities.

The "cone of view" is at a retro angle to the borescope axis, providing a view of the area that was just passed by the advancing borescope. Ideal for viewing inside the neck of cylinders and bottles.

Forward Oblique
The "cone of view" is at a forward oblique angle to the borescope axis, enabling the user to view the corners at the far end of the cavity or bore.


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